Operational shortcuts.
To get the information on a keyword, ANYONE can text the KeywordName to Service Number.
To get a short description of all the keyword in your information group, ANYONE can text the Keyword's GroupName to Service Number.
To send the information contained on a keyword to desired recipient, ADMIN can text KeywordName followed by space then the recipient number (separated by comma) to the Service Number.
To update the information contained on a Keyword, ADMIN can text the KeywordName followed by space then the new information to Service Number.
To send the information contained on a keyword to saved contact, ADMIN can text the KeywordName followed by space then the SavedContactName to Service Number.
To add a feedback to a Keyword, ANYONE (except Admin) can text the KeywordName then space then the feedback and send to Service Number.
To view all active keywords on your account, ADMIN can text activekeywords to Service Number.
To CREATE new Auto info Keyword Service , use the sample format below, compose and send to service number (Edit only the red bolded texts, PLS MAINTAIN THE ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT, also start each info with *)
* Specify-PCODE
* Specify-Keyword
* Specify-KeywordInfo
* Specify-Description
* Specify-infogroupName
* Specify-SenderID
* Reply userfeedback (YES or NO) |
Keyword (your desired keyword), Info (info to be associated with the keyword), Description (a short description of the keyword info), InfogroupName (Category where keyword belongs),
- Note that if the keyword already exist in Admin's account, then the existing content will be updated by the new information.
- Auto Info Keyword is a paid service
To UPDATE existing Auto info Keyword Service, use the sample format below, compose and send to service number (Edit only the red bolded texts)
* A31
* your PCODE
* what do you wish to update? (choose either MainINFO, DESCRIPTION,SENDERID, FEEDBACK)
* the new information to be updated. |
To DELETE existing Auto info Keyword Service, use the sample format below, compose and send to service number (Edit only the red bolded texts)
*your PCODE
*the name of the autoinfo keyword you wish to delete
Other related functions
::: Request for PCode
::: Create new account
::: Check SMS Balance
::: Manage SMS Group
::: Manage AnyAdd contact
::: Manage saved contact
::: Payment and Pricing
::: More offline commands