For Fast-Send SMS, >> First create a CONTACT GROUP. Then in your mobile phone, type the CONTACT name, then space then the message, and send to remote service number. eg
myclassmates pls lets meet by 10am to discuss an important issue |
myclassmates is the name of an existing CONTACT GROUP. The underlined text is the text message to be broadcast to the recipients defined in the CONTACT Group.
For Normal SMS, use the sample format below, edit and send to remote service number.
*A10 * Specify-PCODE * Specify-SenderID * Specify-Message * Specify-Recipient or Saved Contact Name
Replace the red part of the sample format with the correct values as in the example below.
* Class Group
* pls lets meet by 10am to discuss an important issue
* myclassmates |
To request for sample format, text SENDSMS to Service Number. you can also text your desired objective to service line eg,
how to send text message
sample format for sending sms
Other related functions
Check SMS Balance
Manage saved contact
Payment and Pricing
Create new account
Request for PCode
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